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Fred Barstein:
Greetings. This is Fred Barstein, CEO and founder of TPSU and 401kTV. Just completed a program at Marquette University in Downtown Milwaukee, and I’m here with Sara.
Welcome, Sara.
Thank you.
Fred Barstein:
Okay if we ask you a few questions?
Fred Barstein:
Okay, great. Before we start, tell our audience a little bit about yourself and the size of your organization.
Sure. My name is Sara, and I’m a senior benefits analyst, and I work for an employer that has around 2,500 employees.
Fred Barstein:
2,500. Great. Thank you. Sara, one of the things you talked about was part of your wellness and benefit program. You give credit for somebody doing a financial wellness program. Can you tell us a little bit high level what that program is?
Sure. Our wellness program happens every year and employees have the option to complete several different tasks. Those include the 401k beneficiary completion, 401k education with an advisor one-on-one, a medical exam, a dental exam, or there’s one other one.
Fred Barstein:
You don’t remember it?
Fred Barstein:
So part of that is a financial wellness?
Fred Barstein:
So why did you do that?
It helps combine physical and emotional mental health into well-being versus only being a physical aspect.
Fred Barstein:
Right. So they all go together. Mindfulness is important for health. How’s it working?
I think it works well. It definitely helps our campaign to have beneficiaries on file for the 401k. It helps to encourage our employees to talk one-on-one with an advisor to ask individual questions that they might not be comfortable asking in a group setting.
Fred Barstein:
Great. So final question, couple of things you picked up here at TPSU and do you think it’s beneficial for people to come to the program?
I do. This is my third year attending. I think it’s very beneficial. It’s a great annual reminder of fiduciary responsibilities and things to think about and consider. It’s great to hear from experts in the industry and connect with people locally in the community.
Fred Barstein:
Great. Well, thank you for your time today.
And thank you for watching 401kTV. Please stay tuned for more programs like this.
Thank you.
Fred Barstein: