Retirement Committee Members Earn 1 Hour of SHRM CE at Next TPSU Virtual Town Hall Meeting

Retirement Committee members have been tuning in for the TPSU Virtual Town Hall Meetings and this Friday is sure to follow suit.  The TPSU VTHM attendees receive 1 hour of CE from SHRM – with an opportunity for 3 additional hours!  The panel will review the roles and responsibilities of a Retirement Committee during market volatility and economic crisis to best help and protect employees and the sponsoring organization.

The strong panel of experts will provide updates this coming Friday, April 17 at 1:00PM EST.  This one-hour TPSU Virtual Town Hall Meeting will continue the trend of keeping Retirement Committee members updated on Crisis Management (Sheree Knowles, Founder and CHRO, HR Knowledge Source), Plan Design Options (Michael Olah, Director, Plan Solutions – OneAmerica) and Working with Plan Participants (Ty Parrish, Retirement Plan Adviser – Cerity Partners).  Each panelist will have the opportunity to address the CARES Act which recently arrived in the wake of the previously introduced SECURE Act.  (The Cares Act was the main topic of the April 3, 2020 TPSU Virtual Town Hall Meeting.)  The TPSU Virtual Town Hall Meetings are connecting with an average weekly audience of over 500 plan fiduciaries, Human Resource executives, CFOs and Controllers.

Click here to Register for the next TPSU Virtual Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for Friday at April 17, 2020 at 1:00PM EDT.

Tom Foster of The Retirement Advisor University (TRAU), will serve as the Moderator of the next Virtual Town Hall Meeting.

To hear a full replay of the recent Virtual Town Hall Meeting click here.


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